Christopher Newcombe
2 min readJan 31, 2021


Thoughts on the Lockdown Left (1)

If you’re one of those socialists or trades unionists who says workers must “follow the rules” now in order to stay alive, so they can fight the government “when this is all over”, you are in for a rude shock!

First, there is no sign of lockdowns being over — not even a plan or timetable.

Second, millions of workers have already spent almost a year in isolation from colleagues. Even those at work are not allowed to interact normally. This atomization and de-socialization has severe consequences for the kind of empathy and solidarity needed in any struggle.

Third, when — or if — lockdowns finally end, millions will face redundancy — as many already do — along with millions more whose businesses will have collapsed. A massive “reserve army” of labor will have been created, putting enormous pressure to comply on those still in work, and providing fertile ground for the far-right populism the left are always warning about.

Fourth, the left — in its majority — having acted as cheer leaders for lockdown, will be be associated in the minds of many workers as pro-authority on Covid19 regulations — hardly the people you turn to to fight those same authorities when they freeze your pay, hike your taxes, and slash your services.

Fifth, those still in work, having remained passive for a year or more, will be far less prepared to fight such attacks on living standards.

In fact, everything points to the near certainty that the left’s “stay safe & wait” approach courts disaster — for its own prospects, and for the working people and their families whom the left is supposed to represent.



Christopher Newcombe

Writing on politics, cryptocurrencies, and fiction